Latest additions

Category: NoCode/LowCode

Description: Platform for developers to build internal tools.


Description: Small chrome extension to monitor (and optionally block) other extensions' network calls. The published extension lacks the ability to track the number of requests and notify you, but you can still use it for blocking requests. The reason is that the extension uses the declarativeNetRequest.onRuleMatchedDebug API which is not available for publishing in the Chrome Web Store.


Category: Debugging
Tags: remote debug

Description: PageSpy is a remote debugging tool for web project. Based on encapsulation of native web APIs, it filters and transforms the parameters of native methods when called, and converts into messages with specific format for consumption by the debugger client. The debugger presents ui in an interactive devtools-like for easy viewing after receives the message data.

Category: Animated SVG

Description: SVG Artista is a tool that helps you animate stroke and fill properties in your SVG images with plain CSS code. It should work fine with path, line, polyline, rect, circle, ellipse and polygon elements. It cannot animate SVG gradients though, so please keep that in mind.

SVG Artista generates the necessary CSS and updates the SVG code so that it can be easily animated by assigning the .active class to the SVG element. It doesn't rely on third-party JS libraries to work, although you will likely want to use one to dynamically set the .active class on some kind of trigger (e.g. on scroll into view). Depending on your preference, you can generate either the CSS transition or CSS animation code.

CSS animated SVG is fairly well supported and should work in all modern browsers. That said, SVG Artista generated code is provided as-is, without warranty of any kind. Use your judgment and test it in your target environment and browsers before using it in production.

Category: Animated SVG

Description: SVG Circus enables you to create cool animated SVG spinners, loaders and other looped animations in seconds.

Description: A fast, flexible, and small SEO-friendly lazy loader.

Description: A lazy-loading progressive image similar to those seen on Facebook and Medium.

Description: Highly performant, light ~1kb and configurable lazy loader in pure JS with no dependencies for responsive images, iframes and more.

Description: VanJS (abbreviated Vanilla JavaScript) is an ultra-lightweight, zero-dependency, and unopinionated Reactive UI framework based on pure vanilla JavaScript and DOM.

Description: BoxSlider is a small library with zero dependencies that provides a light-weight, responsive content slider with various slide transition effects for modern browsers.


Category: CSS Frameworks

Description: NinjaBootstrap is a meticulously crafted collection of SCSS utilities that configure and extend Bootstrap 5, to add the missing utility classes you really need in order to build great designs - without adding additional CSS. Conveniently packed as a drop-in Bootstrap replacement.

Category: Documentation

Description: is a service that lets you browse type reference documentation for Javascript packages.
It works even with packages that aren't written in Typescript (sourced from DefinitelyTyped) or when packages re-export types from other packages.
Its depends heavily on a customized version of typedoc for generating API docs documentation.


Category: Version Control

Description: A CLI for creating better commits following the conventional commit guidelines. Written with Typescript | ZOD | Clack.

Category: Node.js

Description: SVGO, short for SVG Optimizer, is a Node.js library and command-line application for optimizing SVG files.
SVG files, especially those exported from vector editors, usually contain a lot of redundant information. This includes editor metadata, comments, hidden elements, default or suboptimal values, and other stuff that can be safely removed or converted without impacting rendering.

Category: Version Control

Description: Fast and powerful Git hooks manager for any type of projects.

Category: Version Control

Description: Git Query language is a SQL like language to perform queries on .git files with supports of most of SQL features such as grouping, ordering and aggregations functions.


Category: API

Description: Free & OpenSource REST API Testing Tool for all levels in a Test Pyramid

Category: NoCode/LowCode

Description: The Backend to Build Anything or Everything. Power any project with Directus – an extensible backend toolkit to create and deploy data-rich apps. Start building today.

Tags: free icon svg

Description: A lot of icons that are free for any personal and commercial use and available as .svg and .png.