Latest additions

Description: A website with over 150,000 open source vector icons from all popular icon sets.

Tags: ai tools

Description: A new AI tools platform that collected more than 500 AI tools.

Tags: bun awesome list

Description: A curated list of awesome things related to Bun.

Description: A collection of more than 500 CSS-only loading animations using a single element.

Description: Plotteus is an open-source JavaScript data visualization library designed to help you tell better stories.

Category: AI

Description: The open source visual AI programming environment.

Category: Security

Description: FusionAuth is complete auth for any app.

Category: Build Tools

Description: Super fast web building tool written in Rust.

Category: UI/UX Design
Tags: ux

Description: Handcrafted recipes to get you started with everything UX — user research, design, usability testing, and more.

Description: A light-weight, no-dependency, vanilla JavaScript library to drive user's focus across the page. Product tours, highlights, contextual help and more.

Description: A free customizable collection of SVG skeleton loader UI elements for design wireframes & mockups.

Description: A free, open-source, and powerful resume builder to create a professional resumes easily.

Description: An open-source, minimalist WYSIWYG Markdown editor.

Category: UI Kit

Description: A library of animations, sliders, tool tips, accordions, modals, and more for Alpine and Tailwind UI.

Tags: open source

Description: An open-source alternative to Codespaces to spin up dev environments in any infrastructure.

Description: Our newsletter covers a wide range of topics, including: frontend, backend, databases, DevOps, Design, business & project management. Each edition will feature a short list of (max 5) tools, with no long reviews. We want to keep things simple and to the point. That way you can quickly and easily find the resources you need to take your projects to the next level.

Description: Simple & lightweight (<4kb gzipped) vanilla JavaScript library to create smooth & beautiful animations when you scroll.

Description: A nice collection on GitHub with a lot of web development resources.

Category: UI/UX Design
Tags: ux learning

Description: Practical lessons, resources, and news for the UX/UI community. Lessons and resources from two full-time product designers.

Description: A directory of 4000+ templates & UI kits for the modern stack.