Result For: js

Category: VueJS
Tags: vuejs firebase

Description: Vuefire is a small and pragmatic solution to create realtime bindings between a Firebase RTDB or a Firebase Cloud Firestore and your Vue application. Making it straightforward to always keep your local data in sync with remote databases.

Category: VueJS

Description: vue-metamorph is a codemod framework for JavaScript, TypeScript, and Vue files. It provides a way to reliably make large-scale changes to a codebase by manipulating Abstract Syntax Trees.

Description: Write and run code with instant live feedback.

Description: Chai Builder is an Open Source Low Code React + Tailwind CSS Landing Page Builder. Its a simple React component which can be integrated into any React based framework.

Category: ReactJS

Description: React/JS library to build conversational AI interfaces.

Category: ReactJS
Tags: reactjs table

Description: Quickly create React data tables with Mantine.

Category: ReactJS

Description: Write React components using CSS only.

Tags: library type

Description: Typed.js is a library that types. Enter in any string, and watch it type at the speed you've set, backspace what it's typed, and begin a new sentence for however many strings you've set.

Description: A fast, flexible, and small SEO-friendly lazy loader.

Description: A lazy-loading progressive image similar to those seen on Facebook and Medium.

Description: Highly performant, light ~1kb and configurable lazy loader in pure JS with no dependencies for responsive images, iframes and more.

Description: VanJS (abbreviated Vanilla JavaScript) is an ultra-lightweight, zero-dependency, and unopinionated Reactive UI framework based on pure vanilla JavaScript and DOM.

Category: Node.js

Description: SVGO, short for SVG Optimizer, is a Node.js library and command-line application for optimizing SVG files.
SVG files, especially those exported from vector editors, usually contain a lot of redundant information. This includes editor metadata, comments, hidden elements, default or suboptimal values, and other stuff that can be safely removed or converted without impacting rendering.

Category: API

Description: Free & OpenSource REST API Testing Tool for all levels in a Test Pyramid

Category: Forms & Surveys

Description: Open-Source JavaScript Form Builder Libraries. Building your own form management system has never been easier. Automate forms workflow and retain full ownership of respondent data.

Category: JS Utilities

Description: EasyCaptchaJS is a lightweight and user-friendly jQuery/JS library that simplifies the integration of Google reCAPTCHA API into web pages. With EasyCaptchaJS, developers can effortlessly add the security and anti-bot protection of reCAPTCHA to their web applications, enhancing their overall security and user experience.

Category: JSON

Description: JSON Generator is a text-based, language-independent tool that offers an innovative and intuitive approach to crafting precise JSON data structures, including generating random JSON data.

With JSON Generator, users can create templates that act as blueprints for the data they wish to produce. These templates offer a structured way to define the shape, type, and intricacies of the desired JSON output. Whether you're a developer looking to mock API responses, a tester in need of diverse mock data payloads, or an educator creating illustrative examples, JSON Generator is tailored to meet those needs. Experience the power of flexible data modifications and experience-based interoperability.

Category: VueJS

Description: A tool to help you analyze and optimize your Vue.js component code.

Description: A light-weight, no-dependency, vanilla JavaScript library to drive user's focus across the page. Product tours, highlights, contextual help and more.

Description: Simple & lightweight (<4kb gzipped) vanilla JavaScript library to create smooth & beautiful animations when you scroll.