Result For: typescript

Category: VueJS

Description: vue-metamorph is a codemod framework for JavaScript, TypeScript, and Vue files. It provides a way to reliably make large-scale changes to a codebase by manipulating Abstract Syntax Trees.

Category: Documentation

Description: is a service that lets you browse type reference documentation for Javascript packages.
It works even with packages that aren't written in Typescript (sourced from DefinitelyTyped) or when packages re-export types from other packages.
Its depends heavily on a customized version of typedoc for generating API docs documentation.


Description: Most advanced open-source Headless CMS built in NodeJS and React. Written in Typescript!

Category: JS Preprocessors

Description: Typed JavaScript at Any Scale.. TypeScript extends JavaScript by adding types to the language. TypeScript speeds up your development experience by catching errors and providing fixes before you even run your code.